SL ME Directory: Henna Artists

SL ME Directory: Henna Artists

Henna is an centuries-old tradition but in recent years, it’s had a makeover. If you have a special occasion coming up or you’d just like to experiment with some new techniques and patterns, this one’s for you – we’ve compiled a list of the cool henna brands and artists you need to know about.

All products on this page have been selected by our editorial team, however we may make commission on some products.

For Foolproof At-Home Henna:

Wearable Art

If you want to DIY your henna, but freehand makes you nervous, Wearable Art is a great option. Along with cones, the Instagram brand has lots of cool and easy-to-use stencils to help you feel like a pro.

Follow @WearabelArt.Me

For Cool-Girl Art:

Henna By Dr. Azra

Think of this as henna for cool girls. The stencils are fun and quirky, blending traditional art with modern trends. Plus, we love Dr Azra’s playful use of colour in her designs.

Follow @AzraHenna

For The Eid Celebration:

Girly Henna by Ambreen Wahid

Ambreen Wahid has over a million followers on Instagram – for good reason. From intricate floral to galaxy-themed designs, everything she does is feminine and fun. To lock her in ahead of the Eid celebrations, we suggest securing a booking now.

Follow @Girly.Henna

For Editorial Looks:

Henna by Sayeda N.

Sayeda has also amassed an impressive following on her Instagram and it's easy to see why. She does offer traditional henna, but her cool editorial style is what caught our attention. Book in to see her if you want something a little bit different.

Follow @HennaBySayeda

For Everything Under One Roof:

Dubai Henna

Offering both henna artistry and at-home kits, Dubai Henna has it all to offer. The designs can be traditional or avant garde but the brand excels at bridal looks – think ornate white designs embellished with crystals. 

Follow @DubaiHennaOfficial

For Bridal Henna:

Henna by Haaria

Haaria’s work is one of the more traditional on this list but the designs are thoughtful, intricate and often extend all the way up the arm. She also has more than one string her bow – her elaborate detailing and level of care means she’s particularly popular among brides and bridal parties.

Follow @Henna_By_Haaria

For Flawless At-Home Service:

Henna by Fathma Mohammed

Based in the UAE, Fathma is the go-to if you’ve got a big event coming up – especially as she runs an exclusive home service. Her bridal looks, across both feet and hands, are thoughtfully arranged and balanced, and her use of colour adds something special to each finished result. 

Follow @FH_7enna

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